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Dementia Friendly Forest & Sensory Trail

There are two sections to the Dementia Friendly Forest and Sensory Trail (PDF)  :

  1. Welcome Wander (possibly requiring some mobility assistance), and
  2. Forest Trek (more confident with mobility and slightly more challenging)

Follow the links below for ideas of ways that you can connect with nature and improve your health while visiting the Dementia Friendly Forest & Sensory Trail:

  • Walk the trail - Move
  • Experience nature with others - Connect
  • Feel the breeze, the sun; touch the leaves, the bark - Feel
  • Name the birds, find the animals, share knowledge and stories - Think


Welcome Wander

There are four short, linked side journeys to explore along the Welcome Wander - Dementia Friendly Forest & Sensory Trail, illustrated below. This trail is suitable for wheelchairs and walking aids. The furthest point along this trail (5 Wrens Rest) is 450 metres from the parking area. Resting points along the way are closely spaced, providing a safe, inclusive, sensory experience. You are welcome to wander the trails and connect with nature.

Welcome Wander - Dementia Friendly Forest & Sensory Trail

Click on the above map to open a larger version


Forest Trek

Forest Trek

Click on the above map to open a larger version